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How Whatsapp Earns

Whatsapp!!! Such a thing that it has added to the list of our day to day need. It's been a long time Whatsapp has been in the market and it's still FREE. So, ever thought how does Whatsapp earn money, it has no adds, nothing, but still earns a lot. The answer lies in the word "DATA".

Yes, it's only our data that gets Whatsapp earning so much. You may have seen that Whatsapp says that you need to pay $0.99 after a year of free usage, but have you or anyone you know have paid it ? Nah, even I haven't paid it, so this is surely not the option of earning revenue for such a big company.

The other way apps make money is the Ad way, but Whatsapp founder already stated that No adds, No games, No gimmicks. So Ad way isn't the way through which whatsapp earn.

As said, it's our data that makes Whatsapp wealthy. Yes, you read it right, even after not paying a single Penny, we are helping Whatsapp to grow millions of it. This concept is called Big Data or Data management.

We chat, send pics or videos that clearly depict our views likes dislikes. This whole conversation is stored in the Whatsapp server as it is in our local storage. Even a  DBMS expert can tell what a person likes and dislikes with such huge amount of amount, so imagine what Big Firms might get when so much info is in their hand? A lot !!!

This is how Whatsapp earns, it sells the backup data to big firms at a great value. This data helps firms in targeting people with same interest and field. That's the simple reason why, Face Book purchased whatsapp!!

Not only data, but the Geo location details that we send via Whatsapp is also of great use. Ever thought, on Face Book why we get offers, hotel ads, etc.. Of only places near our home location? This is cause the data whatsapp is giving to Face Book that reveals our information.

Don't worry your data might be exposed but it's still with the genuine guys, so sit back and enjoy What-sapping !! :)


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