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FB page Secrets

So how to make a fb page and get it fan followed within days?

There is been a fashion nowadays to make fb pages to spread your views, ideas, blogs or any other opinions. Also, there are fb pages for humours and how-to-do stuff also. But, what we are discussing today is how will you gather more audience for your fb page?

The answer lies in core algorithm that fb uses to put your page in the news feed lineup.
It's called 'The EdgeRank', a simple formula that fb uses to put up your page posts more often on news feed.

It has 3 elements, Affinity, weight and time.

Affinity :: It simply means on which level do people are interacting with your page's post. So, people giving more likes and comments are going to see more of your page stuff in their news feed. Thus, put some post that get people more attracted to commenting and sharing.

Weight :: So, all of you think, the more likes to a post the more frequently it will appear on news feed , right? But, Fb thinks the other way. Shares. Comments. Likes is what the Weights go in descending order. Thus, if people share your posts more, the more are chances of making your page grow. This one is a bit tough job, because we prefer liking then sharing it, so make your posts so powerfully appealing that people will share, like , comment.. Make them do all!!!

Time :: This is one is straight forward and simple. The older your post, the less they'll come up. So make sure, you update your page regularly but not frequently. Yes, never put updates so much that people get irritated and just unlike your page. What 'IgniteSocial media' page tells, that one should update it's page once in a day or max 8 times a week.

So, this was all about the technical stuff of how FB handles your pages.

Speaking of some non tech guide for your page, we could sort down some points to remember while making a FB page:

1. Put an attractive page name, attraction is key to traffic.
2. Images and videos rather than plain text post.
3. Weekly Contest that gets people looking up your page more frequently.
4. Vouchers and discounts on stuff related to your page.
5. Make your posts more humorous then serious, put up quotes to promote your views.

This is how you could get your FB page grow and gather more popularity within weeks. Get yourself updated, keep it simple yet attractive :) .


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