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Microsoft BizTalk Server - Schemas - Things you should know!

Schema In BizTalk -

What are they?

- Schema is a structure of XML in BizTalk
- it is stored in XSD format, meaning XML schema Definition
- Used to handle messages that are coming in XML format or sending out in XML format
TIP: BizTalk Editor saves schema files using utf-16 character encoding.

 * Wiki defines* 
Messages inside BizTalk are implemented through the XML documents and defined with the XML schemas in XSD standard

 Some tips -


That's what it looks when you add a schema item to the project.
Let's quickly wrap up some important properties, select the schema node and press F4:

1. Data Type - We have many options, from string to bool it defines what type of data the field would handle.
2. Default value -  If the field receives no input, we can a default value here
3. Min/Max occurs - This property decides the occurrence of field. If no value inserted it takes 1-Min and 1-Max meaning the field is mandatory.
4. Nillable: This when set to True enables the field as a nillable value.
5.Note: This property is like comments for fields.
6.Derived By : This is an important property. When set, it allows you to derived that record or element from another type.

Refer here -

7. Base Data type - Use the Base Data Type property to specify the base data type value from which the data type of the selected RecordField Element, or Field Attribute node will be derived (for example, "xs:string")


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