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AdviceAdda Reviewed

So reader, who Advice you to get the best perfume in the market? Who Advice you to get that Wristwatch you are wearing right now? Who did you ask to buy this Laptop, PC or Mobile on which you are reading this? Been in a mental stress mode? Whom did you ask to get stress free? Who advices you for your Career path?

It seems you have different people to get your doubts cleared, right?

Too much doubts and too much Advisers, but which one to listen and go for? Which is reliable?

They say, "Listen to all, but do what you want". It seems correct, but are you going to roam around and ask people to answer your doubts? And on which basis would you categorize those advices and choose the most reliable one?

It's tough!! But, now we have a platform that gets you a much clear view and a straight forward solution to all your doubts, it's named as the AdviceAdda.

A first of its kind, AdviceAdda is a network portal to get answers to any kind of question you have. A single stage that provides advices in any field, be it, Career, Education, Relationship, Health issues, Money stuff, Property and Legal things, Beauty, Tech things, Gadgets and  many more, the list is never ending.

AdviceAdda as a very easy and smooth flow to the site. Categorizing the things in a very easy way i.e. Simplicity is the key of this portal. You can quickly get your doubts answered by browsing down the categories. Like for example, I have a doubt about my Career path and I need an advice that is reliable, just go to the career tab and look for existing advises and find yours.

Want to read tips related to your domain? Browse through the Stories tab. It also has been divided into Trending, Latest and Featured categories. Stories, is a great platform, you are able to read stuff from people like you as well as from the experts. This is an extremely way to get Advices even without asking them. Simple language and an interactive approach is the basis of AdviceAdda!!

What if I tell you all the above things you want and you get are FREE? **WHATT??*** Yesss, It’s free!
All you have to do is register and that too it provides Social Integration that means you could login via your Facebook or Google+ account, they made it simple again.

AdviceAdda when quotes “Experts you can trust”, they really mean that. They have an excellent panel of expert right from Relationship experts to Doctors, people whom you can trust. The categories of expert have technical people as well as Life Skill Coaches. Been said this, you as a user can also join this group of panel once you prove you are a Reliable Adviser.

This all being Internet oriented, AdviceAdda also provides Real time meets with their experts, and that too with a mere cut to your pocket. This too is simple, just go to their Counselling tab, select a Category that you want to consult about, choose a program from a list of great options like for e.g. in the Career/Education Category we have programs from All Academic stuff to programs like Study skills management. When you choose your consult domain, AdviceAdda sorts down the experts in that domain and simultaneously shows you up with Experts that who you could consult in real time and what would be the cost. Then, just simply book your session and get ready for a Consult meet.

AdviceAdda also provides workshops, so not only one on one consult options, you can also call upon a small workshops for Education or IT related domain. This also appears in the Counselling section and you can easily drop down a query and they get back to you ASAP.

The last option in counseling part are Webinars. The next gen of Seminars, Webinars for solving your doubts are handled up here, just drop your email id and schedule your web seminar.

The fun part of this portal comes in Videos section. Visually solving your doubts in a funny manner is the aim for starting up the Videos tab. AdviceAdda gives you a fun ride through these videos, and get your life in line.

AdviceAdda gives you a glimpse of what they have been doing from years through their Activities section. Here you could find all Activities they have been doing and stories related to it from the council members themselves. A great way to know first what AdviceAdda is up to and then get things started.

So, that’s what the Adda is all about, Advice!!! A reliable and easy way that would get your doubts cleared more in an expert manner and make your life happier J

Anyone can get in touch with the Adda through their contact us tab, just fill in on message and send them, they would call you back for sure! You can also follow them on the Social platform, i.e. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Google+.
That was how I reviewed AdviceAdda. An Adda that keeps your problems as a secret and provide you with advises that actually matter. As they say, “Expert Advice for Every problem” and that too without any hustle or cut to your pocket!


This article is part of the Blog War contest - ‘I’m Influencer’. If you think I have explained in the best way possible in my write-up, Vote for me Here. Or if you want to challenge me in this Blog War Register Here


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