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Showing posts from June, 2015

Python or C? What will raise your resume level .

Completed engineering? Placed in an IT company or trying for jobs??? So many questions, but one important one. Which language should one specify in the resume so has to get more attention of recruiters? Today's job market has only IT companies as the dominant recruiters. So, we'll always like to learn basics of any programming language and specify it in our resume. There are a number of languages available to study, but one has to be very careful while choosing one from them. Some of them are: 1. C 2. C++ 3. Java 4. Python 5. Pearl 6. Ruby ... etc.... All these names 4,5,6 Sounds exciting? Don't they ? :) Always one will go for "C", the creator language. But we'll prefer to go for the 4th one. The Python. C is the first language created but that doesn't means you need to study it first. Let's see what Python and C have when they are compared. 1. Ease --> Python syntax is very easy and any begineer can easily wrap up the basic pyth

Let's speak Tkinter

Python provides various options for developing graphical user interfaces (GUIs) And one of easiest is 'Tkinter'. Tkinter is the Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit shipped with Python. Let's just have a look at below example: import tkinter top = tkinter.Tk() top.mainloop() Run this code in your Python IDLE and see what happens :) This is our next step towards the world of PyLove PYTHON GUI PROGRAMMING .... here we come ~~~~  :) :)